The Bialosky + Partners Architects CANstruction team would like to thank our sponsors for their generous donations. Thanks to their help we were able to raise over $4,500 and purchase over 5,500 cans of food to donate to the Cleveland Foodbank during their Harvest for Hunger Campaign!
Freshly loaded off of the truck, Bialosky's can-count was the highest among the teams with 5,500+ cans of food for Harvest for Hunger.
With this year’s theme of “Cleveland Rocks”, our team created a can replica of the Cleveland Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) – the newest architectural “gem” in Cleveland. Architecture and monuments circling around culture become precious rocks in our region- buildings such as MOCA renew and unite Cleveland. It’s these attitudes that are the “meat and potatoes” in fighting hunger. Luckily, this 5,500+ can structure has not only meat chili, and white potatoes, but also a variety of vegetables, organic black beans, tuna, pork & beans, and beef stew.
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The BPA team was awarded the term “Can-Spirit” by the judges for the most enthusiasm and most cans donated by a single team.

The Museum of Contemporary Art created by the 5,500 cans Bialosky raised. You can view all the designs at the Beachwood Place Mall through April 6th.