Support Team Bialosky in the 2014 Race For The Place to benefit The Gathering Place here: Bialosky + Partners Architects co-workers and their families will be participating in the annual “RACE FOR THE PLACE” on Sunday June 1. This is an annual 5K Race/1 mile Walk held at Beachwood Place benefiting the Gathering Place. The Gathering Place is a Northeast Ohio based non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to offer support for anyone affected by cancer. Their mission provides programs and services that focus on the emotional, social, physical and spiritual needs of people with cancer as well as their support network of family and friends. All services are 100% free of charge. Programs include cancer support groups, resource libraries and support staff, tai chi and yoga classes, nutritional classes, art and massage therapies, a large wig salon and an extensive array of children’s programs. In order to do this, the Gathering Place holds a series of fundraising events throughout the year, but none is bigger or brings in more funding than the RACE! Last year Bialosky’s Team, which was over 20 strong, raised over $7400 – help us top that number!

While Not Recommended, The Race Can Be Completed Using Stilts.
The RACE is held on the first Sunday in June, which is National Cancer Survivors Day. Event Details:

The Race For The Place Is Fun For All Ages!
Bialosky involvement with the Gathering Place started in 2000, designing their Beachwood location with landscape architect Virgina Burt. We continue to support The Gathering Place through with architecture services and other resources. Bialosky staff has grown very close to the amazing Gathering Place staff over the years and consider them our friends and family. We are excited to take part in their annual fundraiser and hope to raise a considerable donation! Please feel free to either join our team for this year’s RACE or make a one-time donation. Your donation goes directly to programs and resources that support their mission. You can follow the following link to our team website:

What Is A Great Event Without Food Trucks?!

Team Bialosky at The 2013 Race For The Place